The Body Pillow

Hello. I'm not telling you my name, but I can say I'm one of Mairou's neighbors. I need help. My life is in serious risk right now, and I want someone to help me.
It all began a month ago, when I moved in next to Mairou's house and I became his neighbor (I only knew he was my neighbor a few days later, when people told me about him). My everyday lift was just me having to adapt to my new house for a while, until one certain night, where I was incredibly tired after work.
Once I was asleep, I dreamed that I was inside a small house, filled with Japanese decoration and anime posters. Everything I saw was black and white, and all I heard was Lucky Star music playing in the background. But suddenly, subbing took over the song, and it was more intense in my right ear, so that meant the room next to me was emitting this sinister sound. As I opened the door, I saw a dark room, where a tall pillow was with a hyper-realistic face, sobbing and pleading for help. As I ran to comfort and rescue the object, I woke up to birds chirping and the sun's rays hitting my face. I thought it was just a weird dream, but at the same time, I thought it meant something.
As I went back home the next day, when I was at my yard and I looked at Mairou's house, I unexpectedly had a vision of a crying blonde anime girl, in the same dark room of the dream I had before, also pleading for my help. Once I rant to talk to her, she said that once Mairou went out, she would open the house's window so I could help her.
Back inside my home, I was thinking that the next day, a welcoming Saturday, would not be about relaxing, but helping whatever was inside my neighbor's house.
After a night without sleeping, I heard a young, female voice simply saying "It's time". Remembering of what happened, I decided to run into the lonely house next to me, with one of the windows being open and having no fences. Jumping inside the bedroom filled with Japanese decoration, I saw a body pillow with a girl staring right at me, with a bride dress, a small, happy smile and whimsical blue eyes. All I heard was the same young female voice pleading me for help. Taking that body pillow, I suddenly blacked out, and found myself inside my house again, without it...
Getting up from my bed, I saw how my computer had an open notepad file. I suddenly realized how much of a fool I was once I saw the message.
"Thank you.
Your body will hurt much less. We will switch bodies, and I will live a life of dignity. You shall live a tormented life as a weeaboo's body pillow, I'm afraid. The trade shall occur in the next three days."
I couldn't believe this. The body pillow made a complete fool out of me. I started to sob hard, and I even asked my boss for a few days off because of how intense my feelings of fear were.
Right now, I'm writing this. It's only a few hours to midnight. It's only a few moments until the date that the body trade will occur. I'm sobbing hysterically, and I can barely type this, but please. Someone help me. I need someone to stop this betrayer.
I don't want to live a life that means "Endless torture".